Data: 04.02.2025, sala KM116, godz. 10:00
Prelegenci: Prof. Francesco Sessa (Uniwersytet w Katanii, Włochy), Prof. Massimiliano Esposito (Uniwersytet Kore w Ennie, Włochy)
Tytuł wystąpienia: Artificial Intelligence in Forensic Science
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing forensic science by enhancing evidence analysis, improving accuracy, and reducing human error. AI plays a crucial role in forensic genetics, automating DNA analysis, predicting genetic profiles, and assisting in complex kinship determinations. In crime scene investigations (CSI), AI-powered tools help reconstruct crime scenes, identify trace evidence, and optimize forensic imaging. AI also improves autopsy procedures by aiding forensic pathologists in cause-of-death determinations through advanced image analysis and pattern recognition. In histology, AI accelerates tissue sample evaluation, detecting microscopic abnormalities with greater precision. Furthermore, AI enhances forensic toxicology by rapidly identifying toxic substances, predicting drug interactions, and improving analytical accuracy. While AI offers significant advancements in forensic science, ethical concerns such as bias, transparency, and data security must be addressed to ensure the reliability and fairness of forensic investigations.
Tytuł wystąpienia: Crime Scene Investigation: New Technologies for the Forensic Pathologist
Crime scene investigation (CSI) is the complex act of reconstructing the dynamics that led to a crime and the circumstances of its perpetration. Crystallizing CSI is a difficult task for the coroner; however, it is often requested by the prosecutor and many criminal cases remain unsolved precisely because of this. In recent years, there has been an improvement in the ability of 3D scanning technology to obtain dense surface scans of large-scale spaces, for surveying, engineering, archaeology and medicine purposes such as forensics. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) has also proven to be very effective for CSI. The aim of this presentation is to highlight the scientific revolutions in the field of CSI.
Data: 23.01.2025, sala KM116, godz. 10:00
Prelegentka: dr n. farm. Marta Klimek-Szczykutowicz (Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach)
Tytuł wystąpienia: Roślinne kultury in vitro – kierunki badawcze oraz ich wykorzystanie w kosmetologii i farmacji
Biotechnologia roślin leczniczych, to ważna i interesująca dziedzina nauki, szczególnie z farmaceutycznego i kosmetycznego punktu widzenia. Roślinne kultury in vitro mogą być potencjalnym źródłem wielu cennych, biologicznie aktywnych związków wykorzystywanych w terapii licznych schorzeń. Ze względu na brak zanieczyszczeń surowca np. metalami ciężkimi, pestycydami, mikroorganizmami, czy aflatoksynami, biomasa z kultur in vitro może być wykorzystywana zarówno w przemyśle farmaceutycznym, jak i kosmetycznym. Kolejną zaletą roślinnych kultur in vitro jest możliwość pozyskiwania materiału roślinnego z rzadkich i chronionych gatunków, niezależnie od warunków klimatycznych i pór roku. Roślinne kultury in vitro mogą być również źródłem roślinnych komórek macierzystych wykorzystywanych w kosmetologii. Głównymi kierunkami biotechnologii roślin są: mikrorozmnażanie roślin, endogenna akumulacja metabolitów wtórnych, inżynieria genetyczna i inżynieria enzymatyczna, a także procesy biotransformacyjne. Z farmaceutycznego i kosmetycznego punktu widzenia, duże znaczenie przypisuje się możliwościom endogennej akumulacji metabolitów wtórnych o cennych właściwościach prozdrowotnych. Techniki stosowane w prowadzeniu roślinnych kultur in vitro dają możliwości stymulacji akumulacji cennych metabolitów wtórnych. W tym celu można stosować zabiegi takie jak: selekcja wysokoproduktywnych linii komórkowych, czy optymalizacja warunków prowadzenia hodowli (dobór podstawowego składu podłoża hodowlanego oraz testowanie różnych regulatorów wzrostu i rozwoju roślin (PGRs)).
Badania prowadzone w światowych laboratoriach wykazały, że roślinne kultury in vitro mogą produkować ważne terapeutycznie związki w ilościach wielokrotnie wyższych niż w roślinach macierzystych; są to m. in. kwas rozmarynowy, szikonina, ginsenozydy, berberyna, paklitaksel. Ponadto, ciągły rozwój biotechnologii roślin przyczynia się do pozyskiwania nowych cennych surowców kosmetycznych.
Data: 15.12.2024, sala KM116, godz. 10:00
Prelegenci: Iro Kokkinou, Vasileios Siderakis, Maria Xenaki (PharmaGnose, Narodowy Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Kapodistriasa w Atenach, Grecja)
Tytuł wystąpienia: GreenCosmin – Biodiversity of Greek Flora and Cosmetics
GreenCosmIn is a project under the MSCA (Marie Skłodowska-Curie) Staff Exchanges Action. It is coordinated by National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and includes 14 partners from 8 countries – France, Germany, Austria, Tunisia, Mongolia, French Polynesia, Greece and Poland. The project will use a range of advanced technologies – including green extraction techniques, phytochemical analysis and dereplication, in vitro screening and biotechnological production – to develop natural cosmetic ingredients and incorporate them into final products. The plant material collected from Greece includes the plants Olea europea, Crocus sp., Cistus sp., Pancratium sp., Polygonum sp. and Pistacia lentiscus, while the one collected from Poland includes Aronia melanocarpa, Sambucus nigra and Vaccinium oxycoccos.
Greek biodiversity consists of around 6000 plant species, which constitute 40% of European plant species. More than 1000 of those species are endemic and around 900 of them are rare and/or endangered. This fact exists due to the country’s position, landscape and morphology. It is worth mentioning the olive tree (Olea europaea), which is cultivated for its olives and therefore its olive oil, all over the country. Olive oil as well as the byproducts produced by the olive oil production line have a high percentage of organic compounds that can be used in Food, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic industry. Another plant genus from Greek flora that is going to be studied in this research project is Crocus sp.. Crocus sativus has dried stigmas which constitute the saffron, the most expensive spice in the world. Its content in secondary metabolites include polyphenols (such as flavonoids), anthocyanins, carotenoids (such as crocin) and terpenoids (picrocrocin, safranal) that they provide biological properties, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity, which are of great importance in the Cosmetic Industry. Cistus sp. plants are the dominant shrubs in the Mediterranean region. They are rich in polyphenolic compounds and terpenoids with various biological activities useful in the Cosmetic industry, such as skin protection and inhibition of tyrosinase and elastase activities. Another plant that will be studied in the project is Pancratium sp. and extracts from its bulbs are rich in alkaloids and have a wide range of biological properties, such as antibacterial, antiviral and cytotoxic properties, while Polygonum sp. exhibits antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and other activities. The aromatic resin produced from the Pistacia lentiscus var. Chia (the mastic tree), also known as mastic or „Chios tears “, is being harvested as a spice from the cultivated mastic trees grown in the south of the Greek island of Chios. Mastic production in Chios is granted protected designation of origin and protected geographical indication name. Due to its secondary metabolites content, it has a place in Greek folk medicine for oral and gut health, and studies have found a variety of biological properties where some of the most important ones are the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial and antifugal avtivity against stomachache and dysentery.
Those plants mentioned before are known from the ancient times and they are still being used nowadays by the Food, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic industry. Today, there are lots of skincare and beauty products that use those specific plants in their formulation, due to their scientifically proven biological activities. Our laboratory in the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Pharmacy, Section of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Natural Products has a lot of publications under Professor’s Leandros Skaltsounis and Professor’s Maria Halabalaki supervision, focusing on the cosmetic applications of plants from the rich Greece’s biodiversity.