LB Club – Leading in Business

LB Club – Leading in Business

Elevate Your Potential. Join the Club for Future Business Leaders!

Welcome to our scientific club, a dynamic community dedicated to personal and professional development.
Our primary goal is to develop extraordinary leadership qualities. Regardless of one’s career choice, we think that everyone can benefit from having strong leadership qualities. We aim to provide our members with the resources they need to stand out and accomplish their objectives through a variety of programs and activities.

Here are few things that you can expect from our club:
•    Skill Development: We go beyond traditional academic knowledge, placing a strong emphasis on developing practical skills that give our members a competitive edge.
•    Event Organization: Learn the art of organizing successful events, which enhances project management, teamwork, and organizational abilities.
•    CV Creation and Interview Preparation: Craft unique and compelling CVs that highlight your strengths and prepare for interviews to make a lasting impression.
•    Constant Personal Growth: We foster an environment of continuous improvement, encouraging our members to identify and nurture their individual strengths.
•    Collaboration and Networking: Engage with professionals from the business and science worlds through meetings and conferences, gaining valuable insights into people management and industry trends.
•    Self-Presentation Skills: Refine your ability to present yourself confidently and effectively, ensuring that you make a strong impact in any professional setting.
•    Interdisciplinary Connections: We actively collaborate with other research clubs, fostering cross-disciplinary learning and expanding our perspectives.
•    Supportive Community: We celebrate all achievements and provide guidance during challenges.
•    International Perspective: Gain exposure to global business trends and cultivate a broader understanding of international markets.

Our ultimate goal is to become leaders in the world of business. Talent management is at the heart of our mission as we strive to create a better future for ourselves and the people we lead.
Join us in this exciting journey of personal growth and exploration.
Get ready for a fantastic journey filled with learning, laughter, and shared hobbies.
Join us today!  

LB Club – Leading in Business

mgr Michalina Mróz

lic. Jakub Boratyn

Room RA 136
Phone: +48 17 866 1436

Oliwia Dziemianko

Issac Mhaka


Czy wiesz, że Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie należy do czołówki najlepszych uczelni w Polsce? Oferujemy kształcenie praktyczne, dostosowane do trendów panujących na rynku pracy. Badania dowodzą, że nasi absolwenci szybko znajdują dobrze płatną pracę i są zadowoleni ze studiów.

ul. mjr. Henryka Sucharskiego 2

35-225 Rzeszów

Telefon: 17 866 11 11


Programy studiów dostępne będą po 22 kwietnia 2025r.
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