Problem Solvers Club

Problem Solvers Club

A community of young purposeful people who explore the possibilities of solving current problems of society with the help of technical solutions. Our scientific path begins with an urgent problem and leads us to conduct research and gain new skills needed to solve this problem.

Proposed class topics:

  • Introductory meeting – inspiration with an overview of successful examples of solving problems and goals of sustainable development of the UN
  • Round table on the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • How to turn your hobby into a business in Poland
  • Idea presentation workshop
  • Business Canvas Workshop
  • Electronics Workshop
  • Meeting with a Hackathon participant, preferably a WSIZ student or graduate
  • Conducting a training hackathon „How IoT can solve the problems of WSIZ students”
  • Round table on business opportunities
  • Legal advice on intellectual property
  • Workshop: How apply to grant
  • Development of the best ideas that emerged during the Hackathon. Prototyping, writing articles, presentations at conferences, finding funding
  • Preparation and holding of IoT master classes (or Ideathon) for high school students (in future may be students of WSIZ).

Planned outcomes:  participation in competitions, application for a grants.

Problem Solvers Club

Nataliia Poliakova, Ph.D.

Alibek Kamiyev

Room KM 102
Phone: +48 17 866 1105

Czy wiesz, że Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie należy do czołówki najlepszych uczelni w Polsce? Oferujemy kształcenie praktyczne, dostosowane do trendów panujących na rynku pracy. Badania dowodzą, że nasi absolwenci szybko znajdują dobrze płatną pracę i są zadowoleni ze studiów.

ul. mjr. Henryka Sucharskiego 2

35-225 Rzeszów

Telefon: 17 866 11 11


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