Gemzik-Salwach, Agata; Braja, Mirosława. Competitiveness of high-tech sectors in the European Union: A comparative study. Journal of International Studies, 2019, 12.2: 213-227. ISSN 2071-8330

Lewandowska, Anna; Pater, Robert; Cywiński, Łukasz. Determinants of business innovation in the Regional Innovation System context. Policy implications for a less developed region. Studia Regionalne i Lokalne, 2019, 1(75): 5-27. ISSN 1509-4995

Pater, Robert; Cywiński, Łukasz. Optimal size of the public sector in Poland in terms of employment. Ekonomista, 2019, 2: 194-206. ISSN 0013-3205

Pater, Robert; Cywiński, Łukasz. Optimal size of the public sector in Poland in terms of employment. Ekonomista, 2019, 2: 194-206. ISSN 0013-3205

Pater, Robert. Zapotrzebowanie na umiejętności na rynku pracy i w przestrzeni życia społecznego w Polsce. Edukacja, 2019, 2(149): 86-101. ISSN 0239-6858, DOI: 10.24131/3724.190208

Gemzik-Salwach, Agata; Braja, Mirosława. Competitiveness of high-tech sectors in the European Union: A comparative study. Journal of International Studies, 2019, 12.2: 213-227. ISSN 2071-8330

Cwynar, Andrzej; Cwynar, Wiktor; Pater, Robert; Filipek, Kamil. Social Media as an Information Source in Finance: Evidence from the Community of Financial Market Professionals in Poland. International Journal of Digital Accounting Research, 2019, 19: 29-58. ISSN 2340-5058 nowy: 1577-8517)

Lewandowska, Anna; Pater, Robert; Cywiński, Łukasz. Determinants of business innovation in the Regional Innovation System context. Policy implications for a less developed region. Studia Regionalne i Lokalne, 2019, 1(75): 5-27. ISSN 1509-4995

Antczak, Elżbieta; Gałecka-Burdziak, Ewa; Pater, Robert. What affects efficiency in labour market matching at different territorial aggregation levels in Poland?. BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH, 2019, 71.2: 160-179. ISSN 0307-3378, DOI: 10.5018/economics-ejournal.ja.2019-27

Pater, Robert; Szkoła, Jarosław; Kozak, Marcin. A method for measuring detailed demand for workers’ competences. Economics-The Open Access Open-Assessment E-Journal, 2019, 13, 2019-27: 1-29. ISSN 1864-6042, DOI: 10.5018/economics-ejournal.ja.2019-27

Gemzik-Salwach, Agata; Perz, Paweł. Startups financing in Poland. Humanities and Social Sciences, 2019, XXIV.26.(3/2019): 29-38. ISSN 2300-5327

Braja, Mirosława. V4 countries’ position in the high technology goods trade within the European Union. A comparative study. W:  10th International Scientific Conference on Applied Economics ‘Comparative Issues in Economics’. Abstract Book. Red. Adam P. Balcerzak, Ilona Pietryka, Wyd. Institute of Economic Research, Toruń 2019, s. 49. 


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