Artykuły naukowe:
- Driffield N., Mickiewicz T., Temouri Y. (2016), Ownership control of foreign affiliates: A property rights theory perspective, “Journal of World Business”, 51 (6), 965-976.
- Estrin S., Mickiewicz T., Stephan U. (2016), Human capital in social and commercial entrepreneurship, “Journal of Business Venturing”, 31 (4), 449-467.
- Mickiewicz T., Sauka A., Stephan U. (2016), On the compatibility of benevolence and self-interest: Philanthropy and entrepreneurial orientation, “International Small Business Journal”, 34 (3), 303-328.
- Du J., Mickiewicz T. (2016), Subsidies, rent seeking and performance: Being young, small or private in China, “Journal of Business Venturing”, 31 (1), 22-38.
- Cywiński Ł., Harasym R., Pater R., Tarchalski K. (2016), Intangible capital, level of economic development and the middle income trap, „Studia Ekonomiczne”, 3, s. 439-461.
- 15. Bwanakare S., (et. Al.), Predicting Gross Domestic Product Components through Tsallis Entropy Econometrics, Polish Academy of Sciences, „Acta Physica Polonica”, Vol. 129/5, Maj 2016.
- Gałecka-Burdziak E., Pater R. (2016), Discouraged or Added Worker Effect? Which one Prevails in the Polish Labour Market?, „Acta Oeconomica”, 66(2), pp. 491-507.
- Cywinski Ł., Harasym R. (2016), Inwestycje w Kapitał Niematerialny w Gospodarkach na średnim poziomie rozwoju, „Ekonomia XXI wieku”, 2 (10).