Dr Andrew Schumann, prof. WSIiZ

Kierownik Katedry Kognitywistyki i Modelowania Matematycznego.

Doktor nauk humanistycznych w zakresie filozofii (Białoruski Państwowy Uniwersytet, Mińsk, Białoruś).

Jego zainteresowania naukowe koncentrują się wokół logiki, sztucznej inteligencji, informatyki oraz historii filozofii i historii religii. Naczelny redaktor czasopisma Studia Humana.

Publikacje w Scopusie

Publikacje w


A.Schumann. Behaviourism in Studying Swarms: Logical Models of Sensing and Motoring. Book Series: Emergence, Complexity and Computation. Springer, 2019.

A.Schumann, K. Pancerz. High-Level Models of Unconventional Computations. Book Series: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. Springer, 2019.

A.Schumann, K. Pancerz. Physarum Chip: Growing Computers from Slime Mould. Logical Aspects. Rzeszów, Szczecin: University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Scientific Publishing House IVG, 2016.

A.Schumann, K. Pancerz. Physarum Machines. Selected Works. Rzeszów, Szczecin: University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Scientific Publishing House IVG, 2016.

A.Schumann. Logika Talmudu. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press, 2015.

A.Schumann. Unconventional Logics In Decision Making. Rzeszów: WSIiZ, 2014.

A.Schumann. Talmudic Logic. Book series: Studies in Talmudic Logic, 6. London: College Publications, 2012.

A.Schumann, F.Smarandache, Neutrality and Multi-Valued Logics. American Research Press, 2007.

Шуман А.Н. Современная логика: теория и практика. Минск: Экономпресс, 2004.

Шуман А.Н. Логика. Основы критического мышления. Минск: ЕГУ, 2004.

Шуман А.Н. Трансцендентальная философия. Минск: Экономпресс, 2002.

Шуман А.Н. Философская логика. Минск: Экономпресс, 2001.

Edycja książek:

A.Schumann (Ed.). Judgements and Truth. Essays in Honour of Jan Woleński. Book Series: Tributes, Vol. 43. London: College Publications, 2020.

A.Schumann (Ed.). Swarm Intelligence: From Social Bacteria to Humans. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

A.Schumann (Ed.). Philosophy and History of Talmudic Logic. Book series: Studies in Talmudic Logic, 14. London: College Publications, 2017.

A.Dąbrowski, J.Hertrich-Woleński, A.Schumann (Ed.). Podejmowanie decyzji. Pojęcia, teorie, kontrowersje. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press, 2015.

A.Schumann (Ed.). Pragmatic Studies in Judaism. Book series: Judaism in Context, 14. Gorgias Press, 2013.

A.Schumann (Ed.). Logic in Central and Eastern Europe: History, Science, and Discourse. University Press of America, 2012.

A.Schumann (Ed.). Logic in Orthodox Christian Thinking. Ontos Verlag / De Gruyter, 2012.

A.Schumann (Ed.). Logic in Religious Discourse. Ontos Verlag / De Gruyter, 2010.

A.Schumann (Ed.). Judaic Logic. Book series: Judaism in Context, 10. Gorgias Press, 2008.

Prowadzone przedmioty:

Statystyka, Sztuczna inteligencja.


Materiały dla studentów dostępne są na platformie Moodle.


W 2021 r.
W języku angielskim:
W 2020 r.
W języku polskim:
Kiedy nastąpi szczyt zachorowań na COVID-19?, Blog naukowy WSIiZ, 6 maja 2020.
Czy informatycy z Białorusi wspierają polski rynek IT? Blog naukowy WSIiZ, 19 października 2020.
W języku białoruskim:


W języku rosyjskim:

W języku angielskim:


Dr Andrew Schumann, prof. WSIiZ
Katedra Kognitywistyki i Modelowania Matematycznego
35-225 Rzeszów, ul. Sucharskiego 2
p. RA 244
tel: 017/ 866 12 42




Konsultacje prowadzone są w formie online w piątki 11:00 – 12:30. 


Przed konsultacją lepiej mieć wcześniejszy kontakt mailowy.



Head of the Department of Cognitive Science and Mathematical Modelling.

Doctor in philosophy (Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus).

The scientific interests are focused on: logic, artificial intelligence, computer science, history of philosophy and history of religion. The managing editor of Studia Humana.


A.Schumann. Behaviourism in Studying Swarms: Logical Models of Sensing and Motoring. Book Series: Emergence, Complexity and Computation. Springer, 2019.

A.Schumann, K. Pancerz. High-Level Models of Unconventional Computations. Book Series: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. Springer, 2019.

A.Schumann, K. Pancerz. Physarum Chip: Growing Computers from Slime Mould. Logical Aspects. Rzeszów, Szczecin: University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Scientific Publishing House IVG, 2016.

A.Schumann, K. Pancerz. Physarum Machines. Selected Works. Rzeszów, Szczecin: University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Scientific Publishing House IVG, 2016.

A.Schumann. Logika Talmudu. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press, 2015.

A.Schumann. Unconventional Logics In Decision Making. Rzeszów: WSIiZ, 2014.

A.Schumann. Talmudic Logic. Book series: Studies in Talmudic Logic, 6. London: College Publications, 2012.

A.Schumann, F.Smarandache, Neutrality and Multi-Valued Logics. American Research Press, 2007.

Шуман А.Н. Современная логика: теория и практика. Минск: Экономпресс, 2004.

Шуман А.Н. Логика. Основы критического мышления. Минск: ЕГУ, 2004.

Шуман А.Н. Трансцендентальная философия. Минск: Экономпресс, 2002.

Шуман А.Н. Философская логика. Минск: Экономпресс, 2001.


A.Schumann (Ed.). Judgements and Truth. Essays in Honour of Jan Woleński. Book Series: Tributes, Vol. 43. London: College Publications, 2020.

A.Schumann (Ed.). Swarm Intelligence: From Social Bacteria to Humans. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

A.Schumann (Ed.). Philosophy and History of Talmudic Logic. Book series: Studies in Talmudic Logic, 14. London: College Publications, 2017.

A.Dąbrowski, J.Hertrich-Woleński, A.Schumann (Ed.). Podejmowanie decyzji. Pojęcia, teorie, kontrowersje. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press, 2015.

A.Schumann (Ed.). Pragmatic Studies in Judaism. Book series: Judaism in Context, 14. Gorgias Press, 2013.

A.Schumann (Ed.). Logic in Central and Eastern Europe: History, Science, and Discourse. University Press of America, 2012.

A.Schumann (Ed.). Logic in Orthodox Christian Thinking. Ontos Verlag / De Gruyter, 2012.

A.Schumann (Ed.). Logic in Religious Discourse. Ontos Verlag / De Gruyter, 2010.

A.Schumann (Ed.). Judaic Logic. Book series: Judaism in Context, 10. Gorgias Press, 2008.


Conducted courses:

Statistics, Artificial intelligence.

Materials for students are available at the relevant courses at the Moodle platform.


In 2021.
In English:
In 2020.
In Belarusian:
In Rusian:
In English:

Contact data

Dr Andrew Schumann, prof. WSIiZ
Department of Cognitive Science and Mathematical Modelling
35-225 Rzeszów, ul. Sucharskiego 2
p. RA 244
tel: 017/ 866 12 42

Office hours

Office hours are conducted online on Fridays 11:00 – 12:30. 


Before office hours it is better to have prior email contact.


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