

Centre of Graduate Studies and Lifelong Learning offers offshore blended programmes equivalent to:

  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) 
  • Bachelor of Aviation Management
  • Bachelor of General Aviation
  • Bachelor of International Management 
  • Bachelor of Information Technology
  • BBA in International Business & Trading
  • Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media & Digital Production
  • Bachelor of Arts in Image Styling and Beauty Management
  • Bachelor of Information Technology in Cyber Security & Networking
  • Bachelor of Information Technology in Software Engineering and Computing
  • Master of Business Administration
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA – Information Technology Management)
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA – Strategic Management & Leadership)
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA – Education Management & Leadership)
  • Master of International Management
  • Master of Information Technology
  • Master of Hospitality Management
  • Master of Logistics in Transport
  • Master of Applied Psychology
  • Master of Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • Master of International Educational Leadership
  • Doctor of Business Administration
  • Doctor of Business Administration (Business Psychology)
  • Doctor of Integrative Health Management
  • Doctor of Vocational Education

Language of Instruction

  • English or Bilingual

Location of Study

  • Online /Blended

Course Structure

  • Bachelor level – 8 modules plus a Project Paper
  • Master level – 12 Modules plus a Capstone Project.
  • Doctoral level – By research 

Czy wiesz, że Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie należy do czołówki najlepszych uczelni w Polsce? Oferujemy kształcenie praktyczne, dostosowane do trendów panujących na rynku pracy. Badania dowodzą, że nasi absolwenci szybko znajdują dobrze płatną pracę i są zadowoleni ze studiów.

ul. mjr. Henryka Sucharskiego 2

35-225 Rzeszów

Telefon: 17 866 11 11


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