Dr inż. Janusz Korniak

Kierownik Katedry Inteligentnych Systemów i Sieci.
Zatrudniony w Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki i Zarządzania od 1997 roku.
Doktor nauk technicznych (Akademia Rolniczo–Techniczna w Bydgoszczy, rok 2005), absolwent studiów magisterskich Politechniki Rzeszowskiej.
W latach 1997 – 2005 asystent w Wyższej Szkole Informatyki i Zarządzania. 

Ukończył szkolenia z zakresu sieci komputerowych w Centrach Szkoleniowych Akademii Cisco w Budapest Polytechnic, University of Central England, Advance Technology Consortium– Romania oraz Cisco Learning Institute. Instruktor Akademii Cisco i trener instruktorów. Prowadzi szkolenia CCNA, CCNP, CCNA Security, CCNA Cybersecurity Operations, IoT Fundamentals, 

Jego zainteresowania naukowe koncentrują się wokół inteligentnych systemów i sieci.

1.     J. Richardson, J. Korniak , B. Wilamowski, P. D. Reiner, Nearest Neighbor Spline Approximation (NNSA) Improvement to TSK Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol: 12 (1),  02-2016

2.     Olejczak A., Korniak J., Wilamowski B.M. (2017) Discrete Cosine Transformation as Alternative to Other Methods of Computational Intelligence for Function Approximation. In: Rutkowski L., Korytkowski M., Scherer R., Tadeusiewicz R., Zadeh L., Zurada J. (eds) Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. ICAISC 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10245. Springer, Cham

3.     Peleshchak R., Lytvyn V., Peleshchak I., Olyvko R., Korniak J. (2019) Decision Making Model Based on Neural Network with Diagonalized Synaptic Connections. In: Świątek J., Borzemski L., Wilimowska Z. (eds) Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 39th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology – ISAT 2018. ISAT 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 853. Springer, Cham

Prowadzone przedmioty:

Bezpieczeństwo sieci – laboratorium, Sieci WAN – laboratorium, Metody obliczeniowe w nauce i technice – laboratorium, Technologie sieciowe – wykład, laboratorium, Zaawansowane technologie sieciowe – laboratorium, Zarządzanie systemami i sieciami – wykład.

Prowadzone szkolenia w ramach Akademii Cisco przy WSIiZ oraz Regionalnej Akademii Cisco:
CCNA Routing and switching, CCNA Security, CCNA Cybersecurity Operations, CCNP, Fundamentals of Wireless LAN, Network Security, Internet of Things.
Zajęcia prowadzone w ramach Akademii Cisco umożliwiają dostęp do zasobów portalu

Materiały dla studentów dostępne są na platformie Moodle.



Dr inż. Janusz Korniak
Katedra Inteligentnych Systemów i Sieci
36-020 Tyczyn, Kielnarowa 386m,
p. KM103
tel.: 017/ 866 11 05



Konsultacje w semestrze letnim 2024/25 odbywają się:

Dyżur opiekuna kierunku w semestrze letnim 2024/25 odbywają się:


Head of the Intelligent Systems and Networks Department

Associate professor at the Department of Intelligent Systems and Networks.
Employed at the University of Information Technology and Management since 1997.

PhD in technical sciences (University of Agriculture and Technology in Bydgoszcz, 2005), a graduate of Master’s studies at the Rzeszów University of Technology.
In the years 1997 – 2005 an assistant at the University of Information Technology and Management.

He completed training in computer networks at Cisco Academy Training Centers in Budapest Polytechnic, University of Central England, Advance Technology Consortium-Romania, and Cisco Learning Institute. Cisco Academy instructor and instructor trainer. Conducts training: CCNA, CCNP, CCNA Security, CCNA Cybersecurity Operations, IoT Fundamentals.

His research interests are focused on intelligent systems and networks.


1.     J. Richardson, J. Korniak , B. Wilamowski, P. D. Reiner, Nearest Neighbor Spline Approximation (NNSA) Improvement to TSK Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol: 12 (1),  02-2016

2.     Olejczak A., Korniak J., Wilamowski B.M. (2017) Discrete Cosine Transformation as Alternative to Other Methods of Computational Intelligence for Function Approximation. In: Rutkowski L., Korytkowski M., Scherer R., Tadeusiewicz R., Zadeh L., Zurada J. (eds) Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. ICAISC 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10245. Springer, Cham

3.     Peleshchak R., Lytvyn V., Peleshchak I., Olyvko R., Korniak J. (2019) Decision Making Model Based on Neural Network with Diagonalized Synaptic Connections. In: Świątek J., Borzemski L., Wilimowska Z. (eds) Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 39th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology – ISAT 2018. ISAT 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 853. Springer, Cham

Conducted courses:

Network security – laboratory, WAN networks – laboratory, Computational methods in science and technology – laboratory, Network technologies – lecture, laboratory, Advanced network technologies – laboratory, Systems and network management – lecture.

Trainings conducted as part of the Cisco Networking Academy at UITM and the Regional Cisco Academy:
CCNA Routing and switching, CCNA Security, CCNA Cybersecurity Operations, CCNP, Fundamentals of Wireless LAN, Network Security, Internet of Things.
Cisco Networking Academy classes provide access to the resources of the 

Materials for students are available at the relevant courses at the Moodle platform.


Contact data

Consultations for International students in the winter semester 24/25 are:

Office hours


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Telefon: 17 866 11 11


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