Dr Nataliia Poliakova

Adiunkt Katedry Systemów Inteligentnych i Sieci.
Zatrudniona w Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki i Zarządzania od 2022 roku.

Doktor nauk technicznych (Zaporoże Państwowa Akademia Inżynierska, 1992, temat pracy dyplomowej „Niestacjonarne odkształcenie płyt na podłożu sprężystym i akustycznym”), absolwent studiów magisterskich w zakresie oprogramowania systemów zautomatyzowanych w Zaporożskiej Państwowej Akademii Inżynierskiej na Ukrainie.

W latach 1993 – 2018 adiunkt na Katedre Oprogramowania Systemów Zautomatyzowanych, Zaporoże Państwowej Akademii Inżynierii, Ukraina.

Instruktor Akademii Cisco. Prowadzi szkolenia: CCNA, CyberOps Associate, DevNet Associate, IoT Fundamentals, IT Essentials, Python Essentials.

Jej zainteresowania badawcze skupiają się wokół inteligentnych systemów i sieci oraz pedagogiki inżynierskiej.

1. Yakymchuk A., Valyukh A., Poliakova N., Skorohod I., Sak T. Intellectual Economic Development: Cost and Efficiency Indicators. ECONOMICS. 2023. Т. 11. № 1. P. 107-126. URL:

2. Koviazin O., Pozhuyev A., Mikhailutsa O.,Poliakova N., Melikhova T. The Research Ways to Increase the Energy Efficiency of Griund Heat Exchanges by Means of Mathematical Simulation. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Rural Development”. 2019. P. 1-7. URL:

3. Verbytsky V. G., Poliakova N. P., Tatievsky D. M. Investigation of the Possibility of the Road Train Controlled Movement Realization Along the Program Curve. Scientific notes of Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University, series «Technical Sciences». 2018. V. 29 (68). #6 Part 1. P. 103-110. URL:

Prowadzone przedmioty:

Podstawy cyberbezpieczeństwa – wykład, laboratorium, projekt
Technologie sieciowe (CCNA) – laboratorium
Technologia informacyjna – laboratorium
Wprowadzenie do Elektroniki i Elektrotechniki – wykład

Szkolenia prowadzone w ramach Cisco Networking Academy na WSIiZ: CCNAv7 Podstawy sieci , Podstawy cyberbezpieczeństwa.

Materiały dla studentów dostępne są na platformie Moodle.



Dr. Nataliia Poliakova

Katedra Inteligentnych Systemów i Sieci
36-020 Tyczyn, Kielnarowa 386m, p. KM103


Konsultacje w semestrze letnim 2024/25 odbywają się:

we Wtorek od 11:30 do 13:00 osobiście w RA133

online po wcześniejszym uzgodnieniu


Associate professor at the Department of Intelligent Systems and Networks.
Employed at the University of Information Technology and Management since 2022.

PhD in technical sciences (Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy, 1992, Thesis topic “Nonstationary Deformation of Plates on the Elastic and Acoustic Base”), a graduate of Master’s studies in Software of Automated Systems at the Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy, Ukraine.

In the years 1993 – 2018 Associate professor at the Software of Automated Systems Department, Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy, Ukraine.

Cisco Academy instructor. Conducts training: CCNA, CyberOps Associate, DevNet Associate, IoT Fundamentals, IT Essentials, Python Essentials.

Her research interests are focused on Intelligent systems and networks and Engineering Pedagogy.

1. Yakymchuk A., Valyukh A., Poliakova N., Skorohod I., Sak T. Intellectual Economic Development: Cost and Efficiency Indicators. ECONOMICS. 2023. Т. 11. № 1. P. 107-126. URL:

2. Koviazin O., Pozhuyev A., Mikhailutsa O.,Poliakova N., Melikhova T. The Research Ways to Increase the Energy Efficiency of Griund Heat Exchanges by Means of Mathematical Simulation. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Rural Development”. 2019. P. 1-7. URL:

3. Verbytsky V. G., Poliakova N. P., Tatievsky D. M. Investigation of the Possibility of the Road Train Controlled Movement Realization Along the Program Curve. Scientific notes of Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University, series «Technical Sciences». 2018. V. 29 (68). #6 Part 1. P. 103-110. URL:

Conducted courses:

CyberSecurity Essentials – lecture, laboratory, project
Network technologies – laboratory
Information Technology – laboratory
Introduction to Electronics and Electrical engineering – lecture

Trainings conducted as part of the Cisco Networking Academy at UITM: CCNAv7 Network Basics, CyberSecurity Essentials.

Cisco Networking Academy classes provide access to the resources of the

Materials for students are available at the relevant courses at the Moodle platform.


Contact data

Dr. Nataliia Poliakova

Department of Intelligent Systems and Networks
36-020 Tyczyn, Kielnarowa 386m, p. KM103


Consultations for International students in the summer semester 24/25 are:

on Tuesday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in-person in RA133
online by prior arrangement

Office hours


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