Głównym celem projektu jest poprawa nauczania w zakresie studiów nad Unią Europejską, upowszechnienie wiedzy o Unii Europejskiej w ujęciu interdyscyplinarnym, a następnie pogłębienie tej wiedzy i kompetencji w zakresie jednej wybranej dyscypliny – zrównoważonego rozwoju. Projekt ma na celu promowanie dialogu i współpracy pomiędzy obywatelami UE i obywatelami państw trzecich na przykładzie studentów Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie (WSIiZ) różnych narodowości.


The main goal of the project is to improve teaching in the field of European Union studies, disseminate knowledge about the European Union in an interdisciplinary approach, and then deepen this knowledge and competences in the field of one selected discipline – Sustainable Development. The project aims to promote dialogue and cooperation between EU citizens and third-country nationals on the example of University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów (UITM) students of different nationalities. Through activities and didactic work, the objective of disseminating knowledge related to the European Union in the academic community will be realized and, through students coming from non-EU countries, EU public diplomacy activities will be strengthened.

The project aims to integrate Polish and foreign language students around the problems of the European Union, and more specifically around the universal idea of Sustainable Development – an idea of such a global dimension that it can bring together Polish students – citizens of the European Union with their colleagues from outside the EU.  The idea that guided the fathers of the European Union can still be attractive to countries with unstable democracies, countries with an undefined geopolitical identity. Young students have a unique opportunity, while gaining the factual knowledge for which they came to Poland, to gain knowledge about a completely different model of state, which from the position of a foreign student they can only experience through observation of everyday life. Often without understanding. 

The knowledge about the European Union, which UITM intends to equip Polish and foreign students with, will provide a solid foundation for arousing interest in promoting universal principles of the rule of law and promoting positive social and economic changes. The project also aims to show through education that dialogue between the EU and third countries is possible and that it is based on knowledge and understanding.

The course increases the interest in broadening knowledge about specific policies of the European Union, to lead to a more active participation in EU activities and public service. The Design Thinking workshop part of the course is designed to integrate young people around the climate issue, the challenges in this area and the need to change the way society and the economy live. Sustainable development is one of the few global problems, the solution to which depends on the citizens themselves and not only on public institutions, and the key to their solution is appropriate education shaping awareness and attitudes of behavior and, consequently, the creation of bottom-up initiatives. This is what this course on EU issues with a special focus on Sustainable Development aims to teach young people. The course will start with an analysis of the problem and end with the development of joint projects by young people to promote bottom-up initiatives.

Furthermore, the development of competences and skills in forward-looking areas, such as climate change, clean energy, is essential for Europe’s future sustainable growth and cohesion. The project can make a significant contribution by stimulating innovation and closing the knowledge, skills and competence gaps in Europe. Such investment in knowledge, skills and competences will benefit individual students, institutions, organisations and society as a whole, contributing to sustainable economic growth and ensuring equal access, prosperity and social inclusion in Europe and beyond.

Leader: The University of Information Technology and Management

The University of Information Technology and Management (UITM) in Rzeszów, is a non-public higher education institution operating since 1996. It is the largest and highest-ranked private university in southern-east Poland. During 25 years of activity, over 60 thousand people have studied here, both from Poland and abroad. Currently, there are 6 000 undergraduate and postgraduate students at four faculties: Management, Applied Computer Science, Media and Social Communication, Medical Faculty. Since 2015, UITM is entitled to award a doctoral degree as part of Media Studies and in 2022 the University obtained such powers also in the fields of Economy and Finance, as well as in Medical Science. UITM is also very engaged in matters important to the regional (Podkarpackie) and local community and cooperates with a wide range of partners representing public administration, business and the non-governmental sector.

Data realizacji projektu: 1.10.20221 - 31.03.2024

Program z którego finansowany jest projekt: ERASMUS+, EU Solidarity Corps